Zachary Agius

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Writer, filmmaker, photographer from Sydney, Australia.


The March Toward Extinction

Digital media, 3:57, 2019.
A short video project about National Geographic and the end of the world.

written, directed & edited by Zachary Agius.
starring Warren Phillips.
special thanks to Kylie Phillips, Riley Agius & Chris Caines.

Watch here.

There’s something silver in every landscape
Caffeine addicted nation
In a sucrose induced slumber
Two hour commute
Lessened with an iPhone not a book
Heightened by just the right amount of fleeting joy and perceived fulfillment
To balance the otherwise crushing cloud of anxiety and depression
Keeping busy
To day
To day
To day
Brainwashed into a stubbornness that there is no better way
Maybe there isn’t
The tides are relentless
Expansive and endless
Ebbing at sedimentary settlements with no reprise
Destructive and unwilling to change
It’s never enough
The waste is forgotten
The guilt is forgotten
Forced out of your mind
Searching for another distraction
You look up from your screen to wonder at the hills
A glint catches your eye
There’s something silver in every landscape
To remind us it’ll (we’ll) never be true again.